This maxim have been said and heard again and again by photographers everywhere. Almost all of us have heard about the historical contact of this saying therefore there is no point to elaborate. The reason why I brought this saying into light is to remind us of the significance of the saying that is to glorify the value of opportunity. In today's world of gear-crazed snap-shooters many of us seemed to have forgotten that photography is an art to capture a moment and preserve it rather than about how many megapixels your or my camera has. Many of us may and will encounter events and things that made us say "too bad I didn't have a camera now". That fleeting moment in time mostly just pass by and never return. This is why this beautiful maxim emphasize the importance of being present at the moment of time and be always ready. What good is your mega-megapixel camera with lenses priced like a house if it stays at home in a drybox. A point-and-shoot that you bring everywhere you go, ever-ready and handy is more valuable to any photographer than any other piece of gear. In addition to the availability of the camera is it's 'ever-readyness'. Never bury your camera in your backpack until you need to dug it out. Instead use a pouch or holster/beltpack for quick access. Ever since I started to bring a camera everywhere I practiced to 'quick-draw' my camera under 20sec.
The next vital ingredient is the 'be-there'. This is even a harder part for a striving photographer to achieve.
Partly because most of us prefer to be in bed rather than being there.
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